Breeze Integration
You can now integrate Clearstream with Breeze.

New workflow branch
Send a unique text to people who are are brand new in Clearstream.

Clearstream is a product-first company. We value feedback and are releasing new things all the time! The changelog below is a timeline of the improvements and new features we've launched.
Showing posts for June, 2024...
← Back to all postsBreeze Integration
You can now integrate Clearstream with Breeze.
New workflow branch
Send a unique text to people who are are brand new in Clearstream.
vCard's in automated workflows
You can now attach vCards in automated workflows.
Pictures in notes
You can now add pictures in notes.
You can now create Zaps within Clearstream.
Filtered views for email activity
Filter email activity tables to quickly see all clicks, opens, and unsubscribes.
Email opt-out
You can manually opt out subscribers from receiving emails.
File attachments in notes
You can attach supported file types (PDF, word docs, and pages) to notes.