Product Updates ·

Messages Page: A Transformation

Since January, our team has made significant updates to the Messages page, where any mass or individual texts are scheduled and sent out from your account. Since small changes add up over time, we wanted to recap how this page has changed and review what all you can do! Check out the timeline of updates below.
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Messages Blog Header

Since January, our team has made significant updates to the Messages page, where any mass or individual texts are scheduled and sent out from your account. Since small changes add up over time, we wanted to recap how this page has changed and review what all you can do! Check out the timeline of updates below.

Increased character count

We've recently increased the maximum character count for texts sent from Clearstream! Previously, texts with plain characters had to be under 459 characters and those with special characters had to be under 201 characters. Now, plain text messages can be up to 765 characters and texts containing special characters can be up to 335 characters. While we don't encourage sending messages quite this long on a regular basis, it's nice to have the option when you need it!

Comparison chart showing credit breakdown based on character count when using plain text or special characters

Recurring Messages

The ability to schedule out recurring messages has been a highly-requested feature that we are thrilled to finally release! 🥳 With this update, you can set a message to automatically send on a repeating schedule. For example, you can schedule a recurring service reminder for every Friday afternoon, or set a monthly check-in text.

Platform view of recurring option when creating mass text

Select which number to send a message from

You’ve always been able to have both a short code (5 digit number) and a long code (10 digit number) in your account. With this update, it became much easier to view and select which phone number to send from.

Save messages as drafts

Have you ever been in the middle of creating a text when you were suddenly interrupted? With this update, you're able to save your message as a draft. In addition to sending or scheduling, you can now save messages and come back to them a later time. When you’re ready, schedule it for later or send the message right away.

Platform view of drafts section on Messages page

UI update for scheduling messages

When scheduling a message in the past, you had to select your date, then preview the message, and then schedule it. With this update, you’re now able to schedule messages faster, without having to preview the message first. This may seem like an unnoticeable update, but trust us, it's much better now. 😉

See which user sent a message

If you have several users helping to manage your account, it used to be tricky to see who was sending out texts. This update allows you to easily see which user has sent or scheduled out a message. Just head to the Messages page and check out the ‘created by’ column.

Platform view of message detail that was sent on August 4th from Jimmy. Shows date, status, opt-in, number, and recipients

Emojis + Accented Characters

Perhaps the most fun feature ever released: Emojis and accented characters! This update makes it easier to communicate with your members and guests in various languages, smileys, and pictograms. 💃

Platform view of creating a mass text in Spanish with emojis

Thanks for taking a short walk down (recent) memory lane with us! We hope you're enjoying the new and improved Messages page and features. 😎

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